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Why giving stuff away free can boost sales

By Chris Haycock | 09 May 2021

Most business owners will tell you that giving away products free is absolute madness. But is it? Let's discover how you can make 'Free' work for you.

Is it possible to create a healthy and profitable business giving away your best products free?

Well yes, it is. That's been my approach for the last 15 years, and I've done very well from it.

I'll explain what my business model is.

I create websites where the primary product is free for everyone. It may be a service, a downloadable product, a useful tool or valuable information. Almost all of my 30+ online businesses are built this way.

That's great for everyone but me, right?

How do I benefit?

If I'm getting lots of traffic to an online business that's giving away something free, then there is ALWAYS a way to monetise that traffic.

These monetisation methods can be by selling related products, lead generation, premium options/upgrades, display ads, affiliate products, etc.

As I said, where there is traffic there are ways of making money.

Next time you're debating whether to give away your best stuff for free, just go ahead and do it. Just make sure you have alternative ways of monetising that traffic - ethically, of course.

And what if you can't afford to give one of your products away for free?

Then think about creating something you CAN give away free, such as an online tool, eBook, calculator or low-cost physical product - remembering to take into account your ROI and customer lifetime value (CLTV).

The internet was built on free. That's why it took off so quickly - and why us early-adopters are still creating stuff that costs nothing. Free still pulls in prospective customers, leads and traffic - as long as it's useful for your target market, is unique, and has value.

In my case, more than half a million unique visitors per month. They come for the freebie, and I monetise them in other ways.

What can YOU give away that's valuable enough to pull in the traffic?


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