Marketing 101 Sprint
Transform yourself from amateur to confident marketer in just 7 days.
Your free 7-day Sprint towards growing your small business.
Like most business owners, you're fantastic at what you do best - creating amazing products and services that delight your customers.
But you don't have the first idea of how to market your products.
That's OK, because you are certainly not alone. It won't surprise you to know that 7 in 10 small business owners don't have a clue about marketing, or where to even begin.
They think it's too difficult, or complex, or costly, so they 'wing it' in the hope that they can attract some customers.
What a shame. They're missing out on a huge potential.
Our 7-day Marketing 101 Sprint - delivered daily by email - gets you started on your marketing journey, so that you can attract more customers, win sales, and increase your profits.
Learn marketing in 7 days
When I started my journey in marketing (OMG, 26 years ago 😐) I had zero knowledge of what on earth I needed to do.
But what I did have was enthusiasm. Bags of it.
I was pretty good at using a desktop publishing app, and could knock up a half decent advert that brought in sales for the company I worked at (a corporate hospitality company in Banbury, England).
I found myself endlessly fascinated with advertising techniques, consumer behaviour, copywriting and print design (we're talking pre-internet).
But that also led to much more.
Since those early years, I've picked up a vast treasure trove of knowledge of marketing, and have spent two decades immersing myself in all-things marketing: public relations, branding, SEO, consumer psychology, market research, conversion optimisation, social media etc…
Heck, I even got pretty good at web development. Hint - I built the whole of The Rainmakers Club by hand!
That sort of experience doesn't come lightly. At 52 years old, I've got close to 50,000 hours in marketing, and I'm considered by my peers to be an expert marketer (even though that word makes me cringe).
But no matter what aspect of marketing I'm currently working on, there's one thing that remains constant…
The fundamentals of marketing.
Behind ANYTHING I do, I refer back to those basics. They serve me well. I won't do anything marketing-related until I consider these fundamentals, because when I do so, it means that I will achieve more: higher conversions, more customers, more sales, more profits.
It doesn't take someone with my experience to learn enough about marketing to make a huge impact on their success with marketing...
Just a willingness to spend a total of 7 hours learning those fundamentals (yes, that's all, I promise).
Even if you've never done a single bit of marketing before, I promise that what you'll learn will change the way you promote and sell your products forever.
These fundamentals will make your business more successful, I guarantee.
So-called "experts" who have just learned the basics will try to sell you this valuable knowledge for hundreds - sometimes thousands - of pounds. Often, they're telling you the wrong things that can lose a lot of money.
But not me.
Before I bow out and sell my other businesses to put my feet up a little, I wanted to share with you something that resembles a "legacy", so to speak.
My 7-Day Marketing 101 Sprint has been meticulously put together to share with you the absolute essential fundamentals of marketing so that you can attract more customers, win more sales, and increase your profits.
For free.
Over the course of the next 7 days, I'll send you EVERYTHING you need to know in clear, manageable, and understandable modules so that you can get your head around marketing once and for all.
Because that's what I get asked the most.
Every day for the next week I'll send you a module, along with a printable worksheet that you can complete in your own time. I promise it won't overwhelm you.
By the end of the Sprint, I'll give you enough knowledge, skills and confidence to proudly exclaim "yeah, I get marketing now".
Here's what's in store:
- DAY ONE - Introduction. We'll take a look at what marketing really is, what it is not, and its roles and responsibilities within small businesses like yours. I'll also be busting some myths that I guarantee you've been getting wrong all along.
- DAY TWO - The Consumer. Today, we'll take a closer look at the most important aspects of your business: your customers (no, it's not your products), and what really motivates consumers into choosing - and buying a product that meets their needs.
- DAY THREE - Market Research. This is where you get to really understand who it is you're selling to, and why it's far more profitable to walk a day in your future customer's shoes before you even attempt to sell to them. I'll also be showing you the secrets to easily get in-depth knowledge of any target market, and how to use this for a powerful competitive advantage.
- DAY FOUR - The 5 Ps of Marketing. There are five key areas that you must know about before you can begin to put together an effective marketing strategy that gets results. I'll be taking you on a short journey through these five areas, and how they fit together to ensure your marketing campaigns are explosive.
- DAY FIVE - Branding. On day five we'll go through the basics of Branding. No, it's not all about your logo, or the colours scheme that you use to advertise. Branding is far more than just this. It's all about creating an image that resonates with your audience. I'll be showing you how you can create a memorable brand that is begging to be talked about.
- DAY SIX - Your Message. This is a vital topic, because it defines what you say, how you say it, and who you say it to. I will be sharing a little-known technique that ensures EVERY piece of marketing you produce grabs peoples attention and compels them to buy from you, not your competitor.
- DAY SEVEN - Your Promotional Strategy. Once you get to the final stage, you'll have everything you need to create marketing campaigns that will exceed all your expectations. On day seven I'll be giving you the knowledge, tools and resources to plan marketing activities that are guaranteed to get results.
To say well done on a great job...
At the end of it, drop me a line and I'll send you a gift. And I mean a "proper" gift, not a silly discount offer for something you don't want - or need!
What's the catch?
There really isn't one. People that know me trust that I'm not a dodgy snakeskin oil salesman. I don't do slimy tactics such as selling your data, trip-wire you into buying something, or use clever persuasive techniques.
I just want you to become a better marketer.
And I want you to use these new skills to grow your business.
Let's just say I have a huge soft spot for small businesses and their owners, because I know how tough it is.
At the end of the Sprint, I'll tell you a little bit about The Rainmakers Club, so you can put your new skills into practice and take your marketing to the next level, but I am not here to pester you into joining. I'll leave that to the other dodgy marketers.
I do pretty well from the other businesses I created, so extorting money from you is the last thing on my mind.
If I can help you become a better marketer then that's my job done.
So, what next?
If you're serious about learning enough about marketing to have a positive permanent impact on your business, then just pop your details into the form above.
The 7-Day Marketing Sprint will begin the very next day.
Remember, good marketing starts with solid foundations. The Sprint is all about solidifying those foundations and giving you the knowledge to market your products effectively.
Make no mistake. Building foundations isn't the most exciting thing in the world. But every strong strategy starts with a solid base to work from. Don't expect thrilling get-rich-quick tactics. It's about understanding who you are, where you want to be, who you're marketing to, and how to take this knowledge forward to make sure ALL your marketing will become powerful.
It's going to take between 30-60 minutes every day for the next 7 days.
If you're not prepared for this, then please don't disappoint yourself by taking part in the Sprint. It will achieve nothing for both of us.
But if you're serious about nailing your marketing for good, and want to build a solid foundation that you can build upon for the future of your business, and are willing to invest 7 hours in the next 7 days, then this will suit you down to the ground.
Ready? Enter your details into the form above and let's make it rain.