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How to build more brand awareness

By Chris Haycock | 22 April 2021
What's the best way to build brand awareness if you haven't got any? In this tutorial I'll be giving you the lowdown on pinning down your brand, and getting it ready to go out there and win customers.
Brand awareness. As businesses, we all want it in the bucketload. We all want to become successful by becoming a household name, but a miniscule amount of businesses actually achieve it - even after decades of trying.
Let’s face it, not every business will become a household brand. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to create brand awareness. It’s absolutely essential that the people who make up your target market are aware of your business. If they’re not, then you’re setting yourself up to fail.
So what’s the best way to build brand awareness if you haven’t got any? In this tutorial I’ll be giving you the lowdown on pinning down your brand, and getting it ready to go out there and win customers.
How do you build brand awareness?
You go out and tell the world what your brand stands for. Stand up and take pride in your company’s core values, tell the world you’re on a mission and share your mission statement. You do not need to take a controversial stand on anything. You do need to stay consistent.
There’s a reason the mission word is followed by “statementâ€. Make yours an almighty powerful statement and then go to town advertising it.
First up - Have a vision
…Here’s something else to think about - Aligning your own vision with that of your business.
You’re the one in the driving seat of your business and that means you’re in control of your destiny. Embrace it!
· Think big
· Think global
· Think partnerships
More than anything – think value. Every part of your brand should scream value to your customers.
Next up, let’s talk about value, bearing in mind that value isn't cheap
In a supermarket, the word value reflects the cheaper stuff on the shelves, the white label products. Value goes beyond price though. It’s also how your staff greets your customers, delivering your service or product on time, resolving disputes diplomatically, and creating a public persona for your business.
Your business's public persona is your brand. That’s what you’re building. Make your company persona something that people can recognise, just as a new hire can meet their new supervisor and instantly take a dislike to their new job, so too can customers on their first introduction to your business.
Your value proposition, mission and vision statements are the driving force of your brand. Everything else is just marketing. Advertising a product or service will get expensive fast. The only way you’re going to lower your overheads in the marketing division is to get your prospects remembering your brand.
Bring people to your business through any form of marketing, capture their interest and then promote your brand to them.
But what about positioning? Where do you start getting your brand out there?
Well, that’s where you need to know where you want to be. It’s all about your positioning. If you’re doing nothing different and selling commodities, you’re competing head on with price alone and you won’t last long doing that. Your competition has been around a lot longer than you and will win hands down because you won’t be able to sustain aggressive marketing.
What you need to do is break into the industry in the smallest of areas just to get your foot in the door.
Here’s a really quick example: Imagine your business is opening a pet store. There are already a couple of giant pet stores in your town and you want to open with less stock, higher prices and fewer support staff.
Not a good position. Let’s say you focus on dogs, cats and goldfish - you can move in with a personalised service, using a slogan like….Your local pet store that feeds, waters, and exercises pets.
In your store, you’ve experienced animal experts manning the floor, partnerships with local dog walkers who provide you with dietary details of the pets they take care of when their owners are away, and you’ve the local pet and house sitters providing a service.
You’d really be in a position to beat out the bigger competition because you’re in there at a local level, supporting and being involved within the community, and not as a corporate giant with employees that don’t give a darn about the company employing them. They’re only there for minimum wage.
You go in somewhere in the sector with something different than the rest. Find a space in your sector that no other firm is serving a need, or if they are, make sure they suck at it and then do the job a whole lot better and beat them on service. You’ll never win a price war. Service delivery is where it matters.
Build your vision for your business and then set about making it a reality. Doesn’t matter how big you shoot because you just break things down to manageable steps.
Create your brand persona first and from there, you build on it.
Then create your business tagline/slogan. Choose the colours to represent what your brand stands for, and do the same with your company logo. Each of your marketing tools will be advertising your brand and much of that is determined by your position in the market.
Go small and completely dominate, then grow your business.
· Mission, Value, Vision
Get statements written down for each of those and give some serious thought to where you want to position your business. When you have the three statements crafted, then look at your marketing channels.
In any product promotion you’re advertising, always keep your brand in mind because it’s what will make your brand memorable, which the vast majority of smaller sized businesses providing services and products aren’t doing.
Companies are memorable. Not the goods and services.
See you on the next tutorial

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