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It's time you got really uncomfortable

It's time you got really uncomfortable

By Bruce King | 05 April 2022

It was my good friend and sales guru Brian Tracey who once said: "Selling is the oldest profession - some say there's an older one but that's just a subdivision of sales". So, what's that got to do with me wanting to make you feel uncomfortable? Well simply this...

It was my good friend and sales guru Brian Tracey who once said: "Selling is the oldest profession - some say there's an older one but that's just a subdivision of sales". So, what's that got to do with me wanting to make you feel uncomfortable? Well simply this...

If selling is the oldest profession, there's probably not ever likely to be very much that is ‘new' in sales; therefore, most people in the sales profession think they know everything they need to know. Yes, I know many sales coaches are saying the old ways of selling are dead but when I look at what most of what they are promoting, they don't seem a lot different to what I was teaching twenty years ago and was taught twenty years before that.

In my view, you probably have heard it all before - one way or another, BUT you've probably forgotten most of what you have heard and especially that which you felt uncomfortable with. And you are probably not putting into practice most of what you could be if you could even remember it. That's one of the many reasons why I frequently tell people attending my Master Classes that it's my view you haven't even scratched the surface of what you are really capable of.

I'm also reminded of a few typical comments I hear either before the Master Classes have started or afterwards. Statements such as:

‘I've had over twenty-five years sales experience. My boss sent me, but I don't suppose there's anything new you can teach me'. (I wonder if that is one year's experience repeated twenty-five times or twenty-five years building on that experience).


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‘That reminded me of a few things I used to do that really worked well. I'll start using them again'. (That's the lady or gent who is going to ignore everything I taught them that day that might make them feel uncomfortable).

So, here are a few questions that I really do hope will make you feel uncomfortable:

How often are you visiting The Rainmakers platform and putting what you learn into action?

When was the last time you listened to a CD or MP3 on sales or motivation or a related subject whilst traveling to an appointment or to and from home to the office and implemented something you felt uncomfortable with?

If it was not in the last week, you should have - get some and start listening.

When was the last time you attended a workshop or seminar on sales or motivation or a related subject and implemented something you felt uncomfortable with? If it was not in the last six months, book on one right away.

Why do you have to do the things that make you uncomfortable?

Simply because one huge step across your comfort zone gets you nowhere. But one small step outside your comfort zone can work miracles.


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